Automatic Gas - Residential Propane

Tank Beautiful — Landscaping Your Tank

Underground Tanks

If you are one of the many people who do not care for the looks of a propane tank, there are options. Propane tanks can be installed underground with just a small dome visible above ground. The dome houses the valves, gauges and regulators for the system. The dome is also used for servicing and refilling the tank.

Plants & Decorative Fencing

If you have an above-ground propane tank you have options for improving the looks of the area surrounding the tank. With a bit of decorative fencing or lattice, some flowering vines or ivy, your tank has taken on an entirely new, and improved, look that enhances the beauty of your home. You may also choose to use a few shrubs or rose bushes to hide the tank from view. Remember: when using fencing or lattice, leave one side open for the service technician who will be refilling or servicing your propane tank.

A New Coat
of Paint

Another option when beautifying above-ground propane tanks is to give them a new coat of paint. View the benefits and color options available when you choose Flynt Aluminum Paint to refurbish your propane tank.

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